Friday, May 14, 2010

Thank you for Manners

When I was a young lass, my parents taught me some vital things; please, thank you, no thank you and patience. It’s obvious that a lot of parents have failed in that department of to dos with their children. Rather than teaching and setting an example in manners, parents have been teaching their children how to be mean, rude and disrespectful. Ok ok that’s not the intent of the parents but that’s what ends up happening. I don’t have children of my own, but I have a minor in children studies and a major in their learning behavior. I know what I am talking about. They as in children, learn by example. So for heaven sakes; be a GOOD example. It seems like the terms please and thank you are a lost art. No one uses them anymore and it’s a shame. I know it’s hard, I know you feel dumb but you look dumb when you are mean so what would you rather do, feel dumb or look it. Trust me you would rather feel it. When you say “manner words”, and not in a sarcastic tone, it calms you down. It feels good. So say them even if there is a long line at the checkout, or ask a teller to do something nicely. Don’t demand it. That’s not what Sesame Street taught you. Life is hectic, fast and overwhelming. But things aren’t going to get done any faster if you demand them to get done and complain about how long it’s taking. Patience is a virtue; learn it, live it, love it. Ok that was cheesy but again, for heaven’s sake! Life will go smoother, easier and will be less stressful if you understand that things sometimes take time and if you are willing to wait, they may even be accomplished faster than if you demand them to be done. We know you have to go buy a burger and you want to beat the other lethargic people to the drive through, but trust me I am doing you a favor. So if someone is explaining something to you in detail, let them explain, they know you are in a hurry and aren’t trying to make you late, they are helping you the best they can. Don’t interrupt either, it’s rude. Ask your grandma if you don’t trust me, it is. You are not right all the time, it’s okay to be wrong, you are human. Take it in stride, stop being so prideful. And next time your kids are around sit down and watch Mr. Rogers or Sesame Street. You might learn something…might…as long as you have patience to watch it.

1 comment:

  1. It's amazing the difference some manners can make :o) I never truly understood how very polite you can sound (and feel for that matter) when saying "yeas. ma'am" or " yes, sir". AND I NEVER thought that I would be one to say it! LOL I always thought I was rahter polite, but moving out here to Texas opened my eyes to a whole new world of politeness..... don't get me wrong, there are A LOT of people who are still extremely rude, but for the most part, people are very curteous and polite. And most of the public that I interact with are probationers.... go figure! :o)
