Monday, May 21, 2012


Wow, it’s been a really long time. I have noticed, as I read through my past posts, that a lot has changed since I have started this blog. The beginning is terribly depressing and pessimistic. I didn’t post much about what’s going on in our lives and what I care about, but rather vented on things that bothered me. Well I think three major things have changed that.
1.       I made the best job move I could have ever imagined. I got out of the call center. That place was a fun sucker. A death eater. It was like taking a piggy back ride on Scrooge. I brought my attitude home after work and it sucked.
2.       I graduated! Whoop. CAN NOT put into words what a stress reliever this is. Especially while in my last semester I was student teaching, working, being a wife, not having my best friend home, and being pregnant. I DO not want to be in that state of mind again. Sheesh.

3.       We welcomed the greatest blessing in the world into our lives.

Trying to put into words how different both Brian and I are now with Zach in our lives is quite the challenge. It’s as if all those idiotic, stupid importance’s in our lives aren’t there anymore. I don’t stress as much about the little things and can try to just be a better person. I love watching him accept new challenges.

Well Eric is a good ole missionary now. Left in April, and to what is seems like, is adapting better than anyone could have imagined. You see, Max was born to be a missionary. It fit him. He struggled, but there was no doubt in anyone’s mind, except maybe his, that he would exceed and finish to the end. Eric though. That poor kid. He has been through hell and back numerous times in the past five years. He had to choose between what was popular, wrong and his friends and what he knew was right. He has had to do this so many times, I thought for sure it would break him. But in his own, quite, private way, it made him the strongest person out there. He never lost his testimony. In the battle of what is right and what is popular, he chose what was right. EVERY SINGLE TIME. Then there was that time he almost died and didn’t know who anyone in his family was. Yeah, that week was the worst week of my life. Period. WORST WEEK EVER. What a wakeup call for him. After that, he had one year to prep for a mission. Eric is the kind of kid who will stand by you forever. He is a true friend. If he counts you as one of his friends, cherish it. It takes a lot to get into that circle. With all that has happened, he is private and protective. Love that kid.

Brian is now going through work and school. Full time at both. Finished his generals and is excited not to be in some of his computer science classes. He has started his new job on base working as a computer technician and loves that. He is so good at seeing a problem and figuring out how to fix it. It’s great to have a job where he can apply what he learns at work and see it at school and vice versa.  Lately his new hobby is shooting some of his new toys. He sold his beloved drum set in order to purchase one. Boys and their toys. Pricy. Ha

Zach has two teeth; army crawls, holds his own bottle, has separation anxiety sometimes and sleeps through the night like a champ. We went in for his 6 month apt and I quote the dr, “you have the perfect child. I wish I could keep him for other parents to see.” She was impressed with how calm Brian and I are as first time parents. I am sure she says this a lot, but it helped increase my self-esteem for those rougher days. He loves to play with his grandparents and aunts and uncles. Fake coughing and blowing raspberries are the new cool thing to do for him. He also is doing this thing where he will bend to the side and just stare at you there. He is pretty perfect. Love him.
 Love this picture of him. So happy. All of the time.
 Eric's mission farewell. Looking cute.
 So ....innocent????
 Boys went surfing....this is....weird.
 Getting ready for a barrel role.
 Hold on tight.
 Action shot....hubby!!!
 Seriously. He is the best dad ever.
 And bubbles.
 So much hair.
He LOVES LOVES LOVES baths. Gets one everytime we go to grandmas.