Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Things that I love

Ok I have been a sour puss lately so it was suggested I play the “glad game” from Pollyanna. So here we go.

1. Soccer.

2. Soccer in the rain.

3. Anything covered in chocolate. Even chocolate in chocolate is tasty.

4. The smell of freshly cut grass.

5. Reading anything; Harry Potter, Dr. Seuss is my new thing, classics such as Jane Eyre… (he he Heather!) Pride and Prejudice blah blah and more and more.

6. Getting out of the car and stepping into the Uintah mountains with a rush of all the fresh smells and refreshing temperature take complete control over my body.

7. Eating Jell-O.

8. Playing, “what can we fill the room with” game with my cousin Trevor. We decided that Jell-O would be the most fun but marshmallows and ice cream would be a blast too.

9. Listening to an addicting song over and over and over and over and it still never gets old.

10. Opening the mail box and seeing there is mail for me that isn’t junk or bills.

11. Waking up with my blankets all around me and it’s cold outside of the blankets.

12. Journey, Queen, Abba.

13. BONES BONES BONES!!! The show.

14. The Office

15. Cloudy with a chance of meatballs! It’s the #1 funniest movie I have ever seen.

16. Singing Fly on the Wall with my sister.

17. Girls Days

18. Teaching. It’s such a rush.

19. Harry Potter. Enough said.

20. Setting up a tent and seeing that it is worthy to sleep in.

21. The smell of campfire smoke.

22. Hotdogs over the campfire.

23. Roasting marshmallows. Not eating them, just roasting them. I am De best.

24. Solitaire.

25. My Ds.

26. Watching movies.

27. Laughing at ridiculous things that really aren’t that funny, but because it’s so late, everything is hilarious.

28. Playing hang man and the dot game at church.

29. Watching Brian play Call of Duty…then watching him yell at the screen. HAHA

30. Spinning in a swivel chair till I am sick, then doing it again.

31. Babysitting my cousins.

32. Hanging out with my aunts and uncles.

33. MY GRANDPARENTS. Sorry but they are better than yours. Don’t fight it, just admit it. It’s no contest.

34. Jelly Beans.

35. Dove Dark Chocolate.

36. My family.

37. Brian.


  1. Adam totally yells at the TV too when he plays Call of Duty or pretty much any video game for that matter. I never knew anything about video games until I got married and now I feel like a loser because when I watch TV now and they are playing a video game I usually know what game it is without them saying the name of the game.

  2. I have to admit.. I loved your last post! but this one was even better!! You have a way to make me just sit here and laugh to myself.. most of the time it's actually out loud though! - - I ALWAYS play the dot game at church.. man I thought my family was crazy, I figured we were the only ones to play it anymore! Glad to see we're not alone ;)

    I love your blog! :)

  3. Oh look! People like the "glad game"! I hope it didn't hurt! And yes, loved, Jane Eye--r. (I know, Eyre!) Oh, you made me smile! What the heck are your D's? Oh...DS!? Gotcha! I'm going to play along and do the same on my blog. I'll get to it in about a week (or two). Thanks for making my day!

  4. wait, wait, wait. The Office comes AFTER Bones?

  5. Chandra! I am afraid so. I Love the Office, but I LOVE LOVE Bones.
