Wednesday, July 6, 2011

July 4th

For the fourth this year, we were split between familias. On saturday we spent all day with the George clan so thought that we would be fair and spend all day on Monday with the Wisers. It was a fun, relaxing day. There was a parade and a party thing at the park at 8 in the morning, but Brian and I slept in, and then Brian couldn't get his window rolled up so of course, he had to fix it before we did anything else. ;) So we missed the parade and the party. That was just fine though, I took an allergy medicine in the morning and was knocked out by 10 anyway. Thrilling? When everyone else came home, the window was fixed, we just hung out, made some delish sandwhiches and watched Saints and Soilders.
Brian and his dad usually compete in a 4wheel derby, but this year, they decided just to watch. Good thing too, because when we got over there, the boys and their toys were covered in mud. It was much gooyer than in years past. We headed home and Janelle and Jon ventured to a movie which left the rest of us up for a Zeppes run! Love that place. I need to remind myself, as tempting as the large may be, it's always difficult to get it down. After Zeppes, it was off to the BBQ. Brian loves fire and is in charge of getting the grill ready. We had burgers and hot dogs with jello, pototoe salad and bbq chips. Why is it that bbq chips are ONLY good in the summer. You will not catch me eating them in the winter. It's just wrong. After our food was eaten, we just hung around out side and chatted, let the dogs play and blew some bubbles. It was quite an enjoyable day.
Wisers have the perfect spot to watch fireworks also. Their backyard backs Fremont high, where the fireworks are shot, and we don't have to deal with crowds. It's perfect. Rylie wasn't such a fan of the fireworks. She wasn't scared, but protective. She kept pokin her head up, when a boom would go off, let out a small bark when Brian wasn't there and browse the scene. Maggie on the other hand was shivering the whole time with out letting out a peep. It's funny to see the differences. 
Brian's face looks a little to
 enthralled with the idea and his
 ablitiy to create fire.
Rylie and Maggie playing.
Brian playing with Rylie.
Urniating on the burgers to add flavor.
Wendy doing the "manly" duties.
This is just the most adorable picture.
Kraig being a goof.
Mom and Son.
Don't look at me, just focus
 on Brian. Ha is making a hilarious
 face that was entirely unintended. BWAHAHA

Rylie and Janelle playing with bubbles.

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