Thursday, February 7, 2013

Simple joys

I have been trying to find the joy in small things lately and be more positive and also care less of what I think people think of me. So on that note...simple joys that bring me, well joy. And I don't care what you think. Haha

1. Brian. Of course. We fight. We laugh. We have random moments of fun. But lately I don't see him. He is working his freaking ass off to support and provide our family a better future and I don't know how I would survive with out him. So I am going to stop being selfish and not worry about not spending time with him right now. That's what spring breaks, winter breaks, summer vacation and random holidays are for. At least for the next two years. Love you Brian.

2. Zach. Basically the best boy in the world. His personality is going to be out of this world. Brian doesn't see him much and just yesterday he said how different Zach is every week. I guess I don't notice because I am with him daily, all day, but he is growing. I love the silly things. Having a child development background makes me appreciate everything. He knows what fast or slow means. He understands when to blow on his food with out being told. He says please when he wants something now. His motor skills are out of this world. He took his corn dog off the stick yesterday, and as I watched, he lined the hole and stick back up and pushed it back on with out creating another hole. Motor skills of a freaking champ. He knows the difference between throw and kick. He knows lots of games and loves to play with uncle max. So many funny things, just watching him discover and figure out his world, brings me joy.

3. Jennifer Lawrence. Next to hermione granger, she is my idol. The great thing though is she is real, unlike hermione. I love that she hates acting, she thinks its stupid and doesn't understand why she gets paid to do it. She hates that everyone says its ugly to be anorexic, but she gets criticized for being the average size. I also love how down to earth and Hysterical she is. Seriously, check her out. You will fall in love.

4. AT&T and their commercials. "My grandma's slow." "I bet you would like her better if she were fast." "I bet she would like it better if she were fast." "Hmmm, give her turbo boosters" " tape a cheetah to her back." "Tap a cheetah to her back!?" "Ahmmmm"
Seriously, ask Brian. I can't watch this commercial with out breaking out in total laughter. Simple joys.

5. Property wars. I am a total nerd. I love finances and anything about them. It's a show like storage wars. People bid on homes that they can only see from the outside, then if they win, they go through the home to see what needs repairs. Some make a ton of money, others lose a bundle. Either way, it's exciting watching them walk through that door for the first time. Gets your blood pumping.

6. J k Rowling. If you read Harry potter and think it's just a magical world about three friends trying to kill an evil're a moron. I won't explain because those of you who really understand what she has written don't need to be told. Those that don't understand, well, I won't waste my breath....I mean my fingers.

7. Tuesdays. Max has an amazing, perfect for him, beautiful girlfriend. He is going to school and working. My best friend is busy. I now understand why he was so mad at me when Brian and I were dating. I don't ever see him. Ever. Except for Tuesdays. Tuesdays he comes over, does homework, eats my food, plays with Zach and we watch The Following, New Girl, and chat about the meaning of life....haha. I love Tuesdays.

8. Pinterest. The humor section. It's fantastic. Gives me a few giggles everyday. It makes me smile each day, which I think we all need to do. It also puts what I feel into words and allows me to post something with out offending someone, yet expressing my thoughts to perfection,

9. My iPad. Just got this new toy, and seriously don't know how I ever lived with out it. The end

10. Tv shows. Working from home gives me lots of time to keep the tv on...because silence is eerie. Here are some of my favs. Parenthood. Makes me cry every time. New girl. Zooey deschanel is the best. Hilarious and adorable. Best comedy. Smash. Just found this one. It's like glee, but seven thousand times better. I live vicariously through this show because I can't sing and wish will all my will, that I could. Greys anatomy. Seriously. This show. If you're a fan, you know what I mean. Bones. She gets shot next week!!! Zooeys sister. Love her and boothe. And of course, Sportscenter. Nerd

1 comment:

  1. It's definitely these little things that keep us going through day after day of work--school--not seeing your husband--more work--cleaning--cooking--bills... These things are sooo important to remember in everyday life! From Pinterest, "It's not a waste of time if it's time you enjoy wasting."
