Tuesday, July 23, 2013


I have these friends. They are weird, crazy, loud, obnoxious and my siblings. But they are pretty cool. And we have an amazing relationship. 

Max- this guy is not the 14 year old sailor moon nutso that I permanently have him pictured in my brain any more. He is a college student. He is a returned missionary. He is a democrat....I think. He is also going to be a husband. But to me he will always be one of my best friends. We have a unique relationship and its changed over the years. If you were know us now, you would never guess that we were bitter enemies years ago. But high school started, and we had to drive half an hour to school together. You bond over cold, icy, scary road trips to school. Now, we have the type if relationship that is unbreakable. We can be totally open and honest with each other with out fear of offending the other person. When max is being ornery because he has school, work, and a wedding coming up, I can tell him to lighten up and stop being so ornery. Yes he will get mad at me for a bit, but it's like clockwork. With in 24 hours I get a phone call from him apologizing for his ornery ness. Clockwork. Brian once asked why max and I were so tense with each other one day, and I just told him that before I went to bed I bet max would call. He did. He is a good guy. I try to do the same to him, but am probably to as good. I love how we read each others mind, and can keep each other in check when needed. 

Eric-if you have the chance to meet this man, your life will be better from that day on. Eric has the highest personal integrity of any person I have ever seen. He knows what's right and what's wrong and don't even try to sway him. He won't budge. If you have him as a friend, it's for life. He isn't always the most positive kid in the world, but after you yell at him for a second, he gets it. He needs reminding, but he gets it. I have been missing him like crazy lately. He brings balance to our siblings. When Emily is over and we are screaming and yelling and being obnoxious as crap, well he and Brian keep each other call and collected in order to handle us. Good man Eric. Love his guts. He and I were buds growing up. Played all sorts of games together and had many adventures. He was my test subject. If I wanted to see if something, like pulling someone behind me on a bike while in a wagon, or skates, he was the one to try it with me. Meet him. He will make you a better person.

Emily- oh Emily. Where should I even start. We finish each others sentences, randomly start singing the same song, and are down right nuts when we get together . One of Max's friend, and ours too, Janice went mini golfing with us this weekend. It was for a bachelorette party and Emily and I were trying to stay under control. Janice was talking to us and said she has never seen us this calm before. Em and I started using up. That made us sound like we are insane at all times. Which we pretty ,ugh are. Emily has the drive of a....well...of Emily. It's unreal. She is always striving for something. When she works at something, it's with 100% at all times. Se is the best. Love her guts. Even if she sleeps like a sloth, and shortens words too much. I am going to spend the next five days with her in Arizona, and can't wait. She is my little sister. Cross her, you cross me. If you want to make me mad, make her cry. Max, Eric, Brian and Kylie, are the only ones that can tease her. She is our little sis and we take that seriously. . Love ya em.

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