Thursday, October 14, 2010


How is it measured? Job status? Work experience? Degree? Number of books you have read? I like to think of myself as a well educated person. Then I have lapses. Some of those mental lapses are more extensive….part of them become permanent.  I just left a job of 4 years that I was 100% comfortable in. I hated it but I was comfortable. Now I am in a job that I don’t know anything. It’s not so much a common sense job like my old one, but more of a knowledge based job, and I am finding my knowledge is less vast than I thought it was.  I know that my knowledge is more than just job criteria but, and correct me if I am wrong, but I feel insecure about my current job knowledge and it makes me wonder how those that feel like this every day live. What I mean by that, is I wonder how someone can, make a mess of their life by not gaining knowledge. Not finishing school. Dead end job…. Granted knowledge has many different levels, it doesn’t have to be educational. Yet in order to make it in this world, you have to have“institution” knowledge.  

1 comment:

  1. That's how I felt when I first left.. i mean no.. Mine isn't really a job that I have to know a TON.. but I thought I knew a pretty good amount of stuff to help the members and when I didn't the member didn't know that I didn't know because it was all over the phone and they couldn't see my face.. I'm doing MUCH better now. I hope you'll love it!! :)
