Saturday, October 23, 2010


So I just finished my 2nd week at my new job and I am loving it. It’s a little stressful not knowing all the answers and getting use to a new routine, but it’s a good stress learning new info. I am the type of person that is uncomfortable about change. I am a heavy analyzer, preparer, and over thinker so when something new comes along, I like to be prepared. But I have learned that it’s easier, less stressful and better when you prepare, but take things in stride and as they come. You can’t prepare for everything, but you can prepare for change. That has been the hardest part lately. I have a lot of change coming my way and it’s been a little overwhelming thinking of all the possibilities and if I am ready for them, but my awesome husband has this annoying strength in what we call faith and is teaching me more about it. Apparently if you do what’s right and trust in the lord, things work out. Who knew? Funny thing is, I have been preparing all my life for changes to come, yet it still has me on edge. Am I ready for this? Is this right? I have blogged about this before, but decisions and choices are sometimes the hardest aspect of living in the unknown world and sometimes I wish there were a user manual so I didn’t mess this thing up. But there isn’t. And I can’t mess it up, that’s why it’s called life, and we learn from our mistakes. I look around at other people in similar shoes, then at others in shoes that don’t even fit me and I realize that no one lives a cookie cutter life. Our lives are like our finger prints. They are all different. Everyone has a figure print and there are different genres of prints, but all in all, they are all different. We grow up in different families and those families carry standards and way of life in them like each person has a different genre of print. Same but different. We all have expectations, and those expectations may change or not, but pressure comes from the family we grew up in.

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